Student Council and Community Connections

Popcorn Fridays: A Student Council Fundraiser

Select Fridays, our Student Council will pop delicious popcorn that students can purchase for $1 per small bag, and $2 per big bag! All proceeds go towards Student Council run events! Ask a staff member for the next Popcorn Friday date!

Socktober: A Student Council Community Giveback

Our 2024-2025 Student Council is on a mission to collect as many new socks as possible to give to Hope Resources in Coloma and families in need. This competition runs all of October between our four classrooms! Donate new socks today!

Soup Drive: A Student Council Community Giveback

For the month of November, Student Council is encouraging students to bring in shelf stable cans for our soup drive! Cans are collected competition wise between the four classrooms. Look ahead to this special donation experience!

Cereal-tastic: A Student Council Community Giveback

For the month of December, our Student Council has created a competition between the four classrooms to see who can collect the most boxes of cereal! Keep your eyes peeled for more information! 

Our most recent community connection was with United Federal Credit Union. We were chosen by their volunteer team to complete school improvement projects around our school. We discussed as a district what areas of improvement our school requires to maintain its aesthetic, and decided that the greatest area of help would be repainting our school recess equipment to match our new sidewalk murals and playground materials. 

United has always been such a big help in the past with exterior paint touch ups, teaching students how to bank wisely, and attending our annual Chicken Dinner night. We could not be happier with how this project turned out! Thank you United!